It has been a year of disruption, reflection and reconnection.
It seems the lunacy of everything going on in the world has only pushed many of us to further questioning. Am I happy with the way things are going on this planet? How can I as an individual create positive change? What can I do to have more security and control over my life and the legacy I leave behind? Food security, self-sufficiency and community seem to be the words on everyone's lips as out of necessity, the collective psyche of humanity is shifting back towards consciousness and connection. Through our website, our tours and our interactions with the community, many of you have expressed your interest in an introductory course to help you get your own backyard garden pumping as well as getting an introduction the concept of Permaculture. Many people don't realise that Permaculture goes far beyond the garden, becoming an ethical framework that can guide every aspect of our lives in a direction that benefits the natural world around us.
Seeing as we currently have access to a couple of world-class facilitators, we decided to snap into gear and pack one more day of learning into 2020.
This course will be lead by our local Earth care stalwart and educator with over 20 years' experience, Nicola Apps along with emerging Teacher Mick Crear, who is currently visiting the area and staying with us at High Valley Dawn. Trained as an Engineer, Mick has been travelling around Australia learning and working on various projects which included staying 7 months at Melliodora with Permaculture Co-Founder David Holmgren. Nicola and Mick will be joined by the High Valley Dawn core team of Ross, Craig, Elena and Shae for a day that will blend practical learning with hands-on skills that you can take away including:
Creating your own superfood garden
Permaculture history, ethics and principles
Design principles, elements and functions
Afternoon Permablitz – design and deliver a Permaculture garden
The course cost includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea as well as a few special gifts for you to take home and get your own Permaculture paradise started. We will arrive at 7:45 for an 8am start and go right through until 5pm.
To keep the teachings personalised and intimate, we have capped the numbers on this course to 20 participants so book quickly for this, our last course for 2020 which will likely sell out.
To book, go to
For more details email
