We are super excited to announce our first multi-day event on the farm this July - Off-Grid, a Permaculture and self-sufficiency immersion focused on practical skills you can use in your everyday life to help reduce your impact featuring workshops on:
• A hands-on introduction to Permaculture
• Composting and backyard gardening
• Make-it-yourself cooking classes
• Bush tucka
• Sustainable building techniques
• The First Nations way of life
• Yoga & Meditation
• And much more

Participants will have the chance to experience life on a working, off-grid Permaculture farm and dive a little deeper into the dialogue and inner-work that is required to create a lasting cultural shift towards assuming our roles as custodians of the land once again.
Permaculture is a wonderful framework which can help guide our decision making toward a way of life that respects and works in harmony with Mother Nature, much that way indigenous cultures have done all around the world for millennia.
People often find when they start to learn about this way of life, it just makes so much sense to them and something resonates with them on a deep, intuitive level. We have created this event to sprout this instinctive seed of ecology that exists within us all whilst teaching participants a number of practical skills that can be used in your everyday life whether you live on a thousand acres or in a small suburban apartment.
We are honoured to be part of the program for Tropical Bloom this year and together we are putting a lot of time, effort and thought into making this a special event that can grow into something bigger in years to come.
Tropical Bloom attendees will gain access to a discounted package price and all participants are invited to Afterbloom the following weekend on Great Keppel Island.
For more details email Shae on shae.oreilly88@gmail or call 0407 974 306.